One of the world’s first carbon-neutral last mile companies

Harper was founded to create the ultimate shopping experience for the modern customer. On top of great customer experiences, this requires a thoughtful approach to environmental impact and sustainability.

Shop consciously with harper

The most unsustainable purchases are those that end up sitting in your wardrobe, untouched and unappreciated. Unfortunately, this happens far too frequently today, often because customers struggle to find  time to navigate tedious returns processes or miss return windows altogether.

Harper's services are designed to help customers find the pieces they'll treasure for years to come. Carbon minimisation is considered with every service and anything we can't minimise, we offset in partnership with Ecologi.

of carbon reduction. Live tracker


Leverage a network of mobile Style concierges to ensure customers receive a consistent, on-brand experience across all channels.

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So far we've helped build solar stations in Egypt, wind farms in Bulgaria, and protected rainforests from deforestation in Brazil and Peru.

Tree planting and mangrove reforestation

Alongside Eden Reforestation Projects, we plant one tree or mangrove in deforested areas for every order we complete. In the last 12 months we've planted the equivalent of four Hyde Parks worth of trees.

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Eliminating the returns journey

Over 1 in 3 online fashion orders ends with a return, and every order with a return has two journeys; one to deliver and one to collect. This results in twice as many miles being driven for each shop. By combining the delivery and return journey, Harper halves the miles driven when compared to a standard order with a return.

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Pioneering packaging-free delivery

Whereas most fulfilment services are industry-agnostic, Harper specialises in fashion and personal goods. One of the category-specific services we offer is packaging-free, hanging garment delivery.

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On top of being an incredible customer experience, this service completely eliminates the need for disposable packaging from the fulfilment process.

Projects you've helped us fund


Solar power project in Vietnam

Generating 83,750MWh of clean electricity every year

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Peatland restoration and conversation in Indonesia

Restoring and conserving Indonesian peatland

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Protecting old-growth rainforest in Peru

Protecting old-growth rainforest in Madre de Dios, Peru

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Solar power project in Vietnam

Generating 83,750MWh of clean electricity every year

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Peatland restoration and conversation in Indonesia

Restoring and conserving Indonesian peatland

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Protecting old-growth rainforest in Peru

Protecting old-growth rainforest in Madre de Dios, Peru

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Producing renewable wind energy in Bulgaria

Generating over 150 MW of clean electricity using wind power

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Preserving Amazonian rainforest in Brazil

Protecting over 27,000 hectares of threatened rainforest

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Fuel efficient cookstoves in Honduras

Distribution of fuel efficient stoves in Honduras

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Wind power in Mexico

Producing 422,076 MWh of energy annualy

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Converting landfill gas to energy in Northern Turkey

Turning waste landfill gas into energy in Turkey

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High efficiency cookstoves in Tanzania

Distributing cleaner cookstoves to reduce emissions

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Small scale onshore wind in India

Producing 8.4MW of clean electricity using wind power

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Preventing deforestation in the Democratic Republic...

Preventing 5,671,613 tonnes of CO2e emissions per year

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Generating renewable solar electricity in Egypt

Generating 158,881 MW of clean electricity every year

tCO2 reduced
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Frequently Asked Questions

What's the basic criteria for a good carbon offset project?

Real: There is evidence that this project will actually reduce emissions

Additionaly: This requirement ensures those avoided emissions would not have happened without being financed through the carbon offset market. This requirement must be determined by a third party.

Measurable: For a project to be certified it must be accurately measurable.

Permanent: The project must meet a standard to ensure the emission reductions are permanently avoided from entering the atmosphere.

Verifiable: Independent third-parties must be able to routinely verify the project is making the stated emission reductions all through the project’s life.

Leakage: This is to prevent negative side effects of the project operating. For example, a project which reduces emissions in one place, but increase emissions elsewhere as a result, would be considered ‘leaky’.

The reason we purchase carbon credits that meet these most respected carbon standards is because those standards (like Gold Standard and VCS) scrutinise projects and their credits based on these factors – and more, such as their contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals – at the point of issuing the credits for the developer to sell.

Why are a high proportion of the trees planted mangroves?

Studies have shown that mangroves sequester carbon at a rate two to four times greater than mature tropical forests, and contain the highest carbon density of all terrestrial ecosystems.

Mangroves are also key part of coastal ecosystems, and renowned for an array of ecosystem services, including fisheries and fibre production, sediment regulation, and storm/tsunami protection.

The key to mangroves is the large amounts of biomass stored underground in the extensive root system. These roots support the large trees in muddy coastal areas where mangroves thrive.

To this end, a lot of the trees we have funded to date – in particular at the start of our journey – have been mangroves.

What's the survival rate of these trees?

The initial survival rate at our mangrove restoration projects (where the majority of our trees are planted) exceeds 80%. However, between years three and five the young mangrove trees begin to produce their own propagules (baby mangrove trees) resulting in a proliferation of natural regeneration. Multiple studies demonstrate the initial survival rate combined with natural regeneration results in a luxuriant impact ranging between 150 and 500 percent.

For all of our tree-planting projects, we are selective in choosing partners to work with who actively take steps to secure these high survival rates.

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